Activated Charcoal 7 day Detox (1ltr)
A Blend of Activated Charcoal, Lemon and Ginger
What Is Activated Charcoal?
Is a Porous structure that makes it efficient at absorbing impurities and pollutants.
Potential Benefits:
High cholesterol levels elevates the risk of a wide range of cardiovascular problems, such as heart disease or heart attack. Studies illustrate that activated charcoal may have the potential to lover cholesterol levels.
Kidney Health
Activated charcoal helps to protect the kidneys by filtering toxic molecules from the gut, stopping them from absorbing into the blood and lowering the risk of long term damage.
Skin Care
Activated charcoal is an excellent natural exfoliator to lift dirt and bacteria from the pores in the skin. It can result in smoother skin and help fight acne.
Activated charcoal is a common treatment toxin exposure since it binds to harmful substances in the digestive tract, keeping them from absorbing into bloodstream.
Since activated charcoal absorbs bacteria, it is also praised for neutralizing odors. People with fish odor syndrome condition do not have the enzyme that converts the compound to one that does not cause odor. But studies show that activated charcoal may able to reduce concentrations in patient's urine.
7 day Cleanse take 150ml every evening 3 hours before or after any medication.